Allocation of Housing & Other Commercial Development Sites within North Yorkshire

Deadline for submission of comments – 30 June 2024

North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has begun the process of preparing a new Local Plan for the authority.  This is the key document used to decide planning applications and it allocates land for development or protects it as open countryside.  It is therefore important how your land is allocated.  The document is expected to be Adopted in 2028 and will replace those Local Plans previously produced by North Yorkshire’s District Authorities such as Craven District Council and Harrogate Borough Council.

As part of that process NYC has begun undertaking a ‘Call for Sites’ and is inviting suggestions on land that could be developed for housing or other commercial uses over the coming years.  Putting your land forward does not guarantee that it will be allocated, but it is the best way to maximise the chances of it being allocated in the future.   If NYC is not made aware of your land, or alternatively if NYC is uncertain whether the landowner wishes to see it developed in the future, the land is very unlikely to be included in the new Local Plan.

NYC has stated that suggested sites should be submitted to them by the end of June and we can undertake this process for you.  If you would like to discuss this further, please contact Ian Swain, Gemma Kennedy, or Cathy Dakin on 01756 692900.



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